Friday, April 6, 2018

GDPR will be tough on technology companies

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the data protection law that is going to be implemented in European Union on May 25th, 2018. The law is expected to give users more control over their personal data than the existing data privacy laws. However, it will be tough for the technology companies to comply with them.

The main argument of the law is that whenever the technology companies request the users for their data, their requests should be unambiguous. The users should know about all the processed and unprocessed data of the user and should have the right to control or delete that data. Currently, the technology companies also allow to download the data uploaded by the users but do not give any information regarding the data that resulted in using their data. Moreover, the data should be portable that users should be able to port their data from one technology company to another one.

The GDPR law informs the technology companies that how they should take care of the users' privacy. The law also details the fines if the technology companies do not comply with the law. The purpose of penalties in the law is to force the top level of the technology companies to think about privacy of the users as well.

Many organizations are expected to outsource the data related problems to a third party as a result of the law. These third parties will take care of all the privacy issues of the users’ data in the form of a global privacy infrastructure. However, it will be tough for small technology companies to comply with the law or outsource their data privacy issues due to financial reasons.

The critics of the law argue that the law will stop innovate business in European Union that depends upon data and artificial intelligence. Moreover, the law will also affect the technologies companies operating worldwide. The critics are also arguing that GDPR might not help much to the users. Already, many EU users are stuck in law cases with technology companies and technology companies are unable to help them in getting their processed data. The companies will have to restructure their data inventories in order to comply with the law that will highly affect them financially. The biggest challenge to the technology companies will be to comply with the single standard format of storing the users’ data for portability. Changing the format of data storage will certainly affect their working model. However, how much they will be affected? only time will tell.

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